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YouTube Music, un nuevo servicio de transmisi?n de m?sica, llegar? pronto
Mi?rcoles, 16 de mayo de 2018
From Beyonce's livestream at Coachella to landmark videos like "Despacito," "New {Guidelines}" and "{THAT IS} America," more than 1 billion music {followers|enthusiasts|supporters|lovers|admirers} come to YouTube {every month} to {participate} music culture {and find out} new music. {It is also} where over 2 million {performers|designers|music artists|painters|musicians and artists} come {to talk about} their voices and {artwork|fine art|skill|art work} with {the entire world|the planet|the globe|the earth}. YouTube is where {performers|designers|music artists|painters|musicians and artists} and fans {hook up}: creating and {finding|obtaining|learning about|sensing|exploring} {an environment of} music.  Youtube
But YouTube was {designed for} watching, which {designed|intended|supposed|recommended} fans {experienced} to jump {backwards and forwards} between multiple music {programs|software} and YouTube. {Days past} {will be} over. On {Wednesday|Thursday}, May 22, we'll {commence|get started} {moving} out YouTube Music, {a fresh} music {loading} service {designed for} music {together with} the magic of YouTube: making the world of music {much easier to|better to} explore {and much more|plus more|and even more} customized {than ever before}. Whether you want {to pay attention}, watch or discover, it's all here.
YouTube Music is {a fresh} music {loading} service {designed for} music: official {tunes|tracks|music|sounds|melodies}, albums, {a large number of} playlists and {designer|musician} radio plus YouTube's {huge|incredible|great|remarkable|marvelous} catalog of remixes, live {shows}, {addresses|masks|features|comforters|ranges} and music videos that you can't find {somewhere else} - all simply {structured|arranged|prepared|sorted out|planned} and {customized|individualized|tailored}. For {the very first time}, all the ways music {goes|steps} {you will be} {within} one place.
{Just what exactly} is YouTube Music exactly?
{A fresh} music {loading} service from YouTube
A reimagined mobile {software|iphone app} and {completely new} desktop player that are {made for|suitable for} music.
YouTube Music has {a large number of} playlists, {the state} versions of {an incredible number of} songs, albums, {designer|musician} radio {and much more|plus more|and even more}, in addition {to all or any} the music videos people expect from YouTube.
Find more of the music {you are considering}
Remixes, {addresses|masks|features|comforters|ranges}, live {variations|types|editions|variants} as well as {profound} {slashes|reductions|slices} you can't find {somewhere else} - from {the largest} artists {on the planet|on earth|on the globe} to freshest voices breaking through.
New and iconic videos from "God's Plan" and "Havana" to "Thriller," "Sledgehammer," {and much more|plus more|and even more}.
YouTube Music search works even if {followers|enthusiasts|supporters|lovers|admirers} don't know {just what} they're looking for ... we'll {think it is} if they {explain|identify|illustrate|express|summarize} it (try "that hipster {track|music|tune|melody|songs} with the whistling") or give us some lyrics (try "I {generate profits|earn a living} moves").
Effortlessly discover {songs}
YouTube Music's {individualized|personal} home {display|display screen} dynamically adapts to provide {advice|tips} {predicated on} people's listening {background|record}, where {they may be|these are|they can be|they are really|they are simply} and what they're doing. {In the|On the|With the} {airport terminal|air-port|international airport|air port}? We'll recommend something {calming|comforting|soothing} before the {airline flight|trip|air travel|journey|airfare}. Entering {the fitness center}? We'll suggest some beats to {obtain the|have the|receive the|find the} heart-rate going.
{A large number of} playlists {created to} help {you find} new music. {Which means} {whatever} kind of music {you prefer}, {what your location is}, what you're doing, or what {feeling|disposition|feelings|ambiance|spirits} you're in, you {can certainly|may easily} {find the appropriate} playlist {for the|for your|for this|with the|to the} moment.


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