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Caution on thefts through web declared movers

Security Policy | Wednesday, 21 Jan 2015 19:16

Moving in the city of Mexico. Photograph Rodolfo Angle/Cuartoscuro

The Preventive Cybercrime Police (PCP), of the Capitalina Police, cautioned another kind of misrepresentation through the Internet of which a few clients were casualties when they searched for by methods for moving organizations, that in reality are snares to burglarize the clients.

As per the alarm, the supposed evacuation organizations produce destinations on the Internet to offer their administrations, giving cell phone numbers to be employed. At the point when individuals call, a false specialist organization requests individual data, a nitty gritty rundown of the furniture that will be transported and a financial progress through a bank store.

Accordingly, the fraudster, alongside a few "assistants", is displayed at the address, at the concurred date and time, to gather the furniture to be transported, however these will never be taken to their new goal.

At the point when the casualty endeavors to contact the claimed specialist co-op, he finds that the phone numbers gave to him have been crossed out.
In perspective of this circumstance, the PCP prescribed that the subjects by and by go to the evacuation organization to get the administrations, confirming their genuineness, and additionally the legitimateness of the documentation submitted. Try not to give individual information via telephone, as they can be utilized for blackmail and fraud.

1.            Orlando 17 Dec, 2016 at 09:52

Myu great work as a conveyance operator so my rest times don't pay me the tachograph, I keep whatever is left of the time n different occupations and accessibility not over 9 hours of driving, however the day is 15 hours add up to is it legitimate? respects


o             Search Transport 17 Dec, 2016 at 22:19

Hello there Orlando,

To compute the day you should consider just the hours of driving and those of different employments. The accessibility time does not figure for the impact of most extreme length of the standard working day, nor for the greatest furthest reaches of extra minutes.

We advise you that as per tachograph controls you can not do the every day rest lessened by 9 hours more than 3 times in seven days.

A welcome.


2.            Pepe Dec 16, 2016 at 11:49 p.m.

Hi, I begin working with a compartment transporter and it discloses to me that a considerable measure of time is lost in discharging a full holder and taking the void one, from 4 to 6 hours, these hours as I should register them, since around then I didn't do anything just to hold up to take the compartment and purge my work.


o             Search Transport 17 Dec, 2016 at 22:22

Hi Pepe,

The holding up time in stacking and emptying when its length is known ahead of time is considered time of accessibility. The season of accessibility is not viewed as compelling working time, but rather time of quality. Read the piece of the article where we discuss the "Season of quality for portable laborers" (in most extreme working circumstances) to know how the nearness time is registered.

A welcome.


             Esteban Hidalgo 21 Dec, 2016 at 21:15

On the off chance that it is not viewed as working time delays, times of accessibility and breaks. In a day with starting for instance to the 8 and end 4 of the evening with 7 hours of driving and its interruption and a release of 60 minutes, as much is the working time 7'30.


3.            Gabi Dec 15, 2016 at 11:15

Greetings, I have the card at 18:02 and I needed to take it out at 09:24 so I burned through 22 minutes of the 15 hours of accessibility and driving time 9 hours and 17 minutes was because of the movement and I couldn't get out to enjoy the reprieve my inquiry is the thing that sort of encroachment is and what amount would be the fine? Much thanks!


4.            ANTONIO Nov 16, 2016 at 09:53

Great morning as indicated by the Superior Court of Navarre the tachographs don't state who is the individual who drives the vehicle.This is clear not genuine.


5.            Alex Nov 16, 2016 at 04:12

This dispersion of breaks would be right:

L 24 M 21 X 9 J 9 V 9 S 11 D 24

L11 M11 X9 J9 V9 S24 D11

L 9 M9 X9 J11 V24 S21 D11

Much obliged to you


o             Search Transport Nov 16, 2016 at 08:22

Hi Alex,

Is this approach for a tachograph vehicle driver?

Let us know whether we have recognized ordinary week after week rest effectively, ceaseless rest of no less than 45 hours: we comprehend that a typical week by week rest might be the primary Monday alongside the principal Tuesday, at that point you would have two diminished week by week breaks (the main Sunday and the second Saturday) and the other typical rest would be the third Friday alongside the third Saturday.

In the event that we have seen accurately the appropriation of the week by week breaks is not right since two week by week breaks can not be followed in succession. In two sequential weeks a driver must have: either two ordinary week after week breaks or one typical week by week rest and one decreased week by week rest.

Note: it must be considered that before 6 x 24 hours have passed since the last week by week rest a driver must begin another week after week rest.

A welcome.


6.            K.mess 11 Nov, 2016 at 19:27

Hello there, great, one inquiry please. Tomorrow will be my first day in another organization. They disclose to me that I need to begin at 6:20 as I do the week by week rest. Since I'm usual to work from Monday to Friday. a little packaged as I acted.Many much obliged.


o             Search Transport Nov 11, 2016 at 11:31 p.m.

Greetings K.mess,

To start with you should converse with the organization to see when they will give you the days off.You don't need to adjust your work example to "settled weeks" (ie take your week after week lay on the end of the week) and that the work week can be of variable span up to a most extreme of 6 x 24 hours. You should begin a week after week break before six back to back 24-hour time frames have finished since the finish of the past week by week rest period.

A welcome.


             K.mess 13 Nov, 2016 at 19:36

A debt of gratitude is in order for the answer anyerior. One all the more thing porfa on the off chance that you are both in a similar truck. We are two drivers of an undertaking of horticultural misuse, however ordinarily we take the truck

In any case, one leads alternate does not convey the card embedded into the opening 2. if not the common protect puts it to

Will's identity a work that you don't drive much yet you go to the field you take the heap you take it to the distribution center then you stack exhaust boxes to take it to the field thus throughout the day. Be that as it may, in the field you backpedal and forward to stack ....... Esq is a wreck ... exceptionally colossal .... much appreciated



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