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Gathering Address

Manuel Herrera Carranza; Critical Care and Emergency Service (SCCU)

"Juan Ramón Jiménez" Hospital. Huelva.


José Luis García Garmendia; SCCU Hospital "Juan Ramón Jiménez". Huelva


Borrego Cobos, Josefa; EPES. 061 Sevilla.

Hitched Iturri, Fernando; EPES. 061 Sevilla

Espinosa of the Monteros, Jacobo; Concert and Performance Services. SAS

García Garmendia, José Luis; SCCU H. "Juan Ramón Jiménez" Huelva.

Herrera Carranza, Manuel; SCCU H. "Juan Ramón Jiménez". Huelva.

Maza Jiménez, Bernanrdino; SCCU H. "The Merced". Osuna (Sevilla).

Murillo Cabezas, Francisco; SCCU HU "Virgen del Rocío". Seville.

Ortiz Carrasco, Alberto; EPES. Central station

Orúe Vázquez, Carmen; Andalusian Plan of Emergencies and Emergencies SAS

Paz León, Urbano; HU "Ntra. Mrs. of Valme "Seville.

Pérez Torres, Ignacio; Andalusian Plan of Emergency and Emergencies SAS.

Pino Moya, Enrique; SCCU H. "Juan Ramón Jiménez". Huelva.

Sánchez Montenegro, José; SCCU H. "Punta de Europa". Algeciras (Cádiz).

Santos Gurriaran, Jorge; SCCU HU "Virgen Macarena". Seville.

Simón Morales, Elías; SCCU H "Punta de Europa". Algeciras (Cádiz).

Suárez Sánchez, Emilio; Andalusian Plan of Emergency and Emergencies SAS.

Because of,

Mª del Carmen Rosas Sancha, for the format of the content and endure the constant

rectifications of the creators. (Andalusian Plan of Emergencies and Emergencies).

Mr. Juan José Pérez Rivas, for his devotion in the plan of the cover. (Andalusian Service

of wellbeing).

Reprography Unit of the Andalusian Health Service, for its exertion in the get together and

these Protocols.

© 2000 Junta de Andalucía. Service of Health Andalusian Health Service

Alter: Andalusian Health Service. Junta de Andalucía Ministry of Health

DL: SE-2608-2000



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Andalusian Plan for Emergencies and Emergencies





Buch Tomé, Pedro; EPES. 061 Almeria

García Tomé, Juan Francisco; EPES. 061 Almeria

Megías Rivas, Rafael; EPES. 061 Almeria

Mellado Vergel, Francisco José; EPES. 061 Almeria


Álvarez Rueda, José María; EPES. 061 Málaga

Barrera Ávila, José María; HU "Our Lady of Valme". Seville

Buch Tomé, Pedro; EPES. 061 Almeria

Knight Oliver, HU "Virgen del Rocío". Seville

Calderón de la Barca Gázquez José M; HU "Reina Sofía". Cordova.

Fernández de la Fuente, Nicolás, HU "Virgen Macarena". Seville

García Criado, Emilio Ildefonso; Normal Emergency Service. Cordova

Gómez Barreno, José Luís; EPES. Home office

Guzmán Valencia, Tomás; HU "Virgen Macarena". Seville

Jiménez Murillo, Luís; HU "Reina Sofía". Cordova

Megías Rivas, Rafael; EPES. 061 Almeria

Mellado Vergel, Francisco José; EPES. 061 Almeria

Navarro Mora, Armando; APS Bahía Sanitary District - Vejer. Cadiz

Oliván Martínez, Eloy; APS Bahía Sanitary District - Vejer. Cadiz

Ortega Cabezas, Antonio; North Polygon Health Center. Seville.

Orúe Vázquez, Carmen, Andalusian Plan of Emergencies and Emergencies. SAS

Pérez Torres, Ignacio; Andalusian Plan of Emergencies and Emergencies. SAS

Rabadán Asensio, Andrés; APS Bahía Sanitary District - Vejer. Cadiz

Ramírez del Río, Juan Antonio; APS Bahía Sanitary District - Vejer. Cadiz

Siendones Castillo, Rafael; Hospital Costa del Sol. Marbella (Málaga)

Suárez Alemán, Gonzalo; Hospital Costa del Sol. Marbella (Málaga)

Suárez Sánchez, Emilio; Andalusian Plan of Emergencies and Emergencies. SAS


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Andalusian Plan for Emergencies and Emergencies




Basic ................................................. .................................................. ..eleven

Foreword................................................. .................................................. 13

Introduction................................................. .................................................. fifteen

1. Sorts of wellbeing transport ............................................ 17

1.1. As indicated by the sort of patient ............................................. ................ 17


Basic ................................................. .................................... 17


Basic on record ............................................... 17


Not genuine ................................................ ................................. 17

1.2. As indicated by the crucial direness for the patient ........................................ 17


Of crisis ................................................ 17


Critical ................................................. ................................ 18


Delayable ................................................. ............................ 18

1.3. As indicated by the methods for transport ............................................. .......... 19


Land................................................. ................................. 19


Ethereal ................................................. 19


Maritime................................................. ................................. 19

1.4. As indicated by the gear and medicalization of the vehicle ............ 19


Non-therapeutic ambulances ............................................... 19


Emergency vehicle mind ................................................ ....... twenty

1.5. As per the question of the vehicle ............................................. .........twenty-one


Primary................................................. ..................................twenty-one


Secondary................................................. .............................twenty-one

1.5.3. Tertiary................................................. ...................................... 22

2. Organization. general, activity with the patient and transportation method ....... 22

2.1. Sign of the exchange ............................................... 22


General basis ................................................ ........................ 22


Obligation regarding the exchange ............................................... ....2. 3


Struggle determination ............................................... ........... 24

2.2. Adjustment: activities with the patient ........................................ 24


Assessment of the patient ............................................... 24


Starting revival ................................................ .................. 24


Analytic direction ................................................ ............ 24


Starting restorative activity ............................................... ...... 24

2.3. Process................................................. .............................. 25


Contact with Receiving Center ............................................. .25


Decision and Activation of methods for transport. 2


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