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SSPDF Detects Fake Moving Companies

The SSPDF distinguished a few phony organizations, which offer evacuation benefits in the capital. Request alert when requesting.

SourceLaura CasillasJanuary 21, 20153:15 PM

Counterfeit moving organizations (Photo: Archive)

Mexico City .- The Preventive Cybercrime Police (PCP) of the Public Security Secretariat of the Federal District (SSPDF), revealed that because of observing informal communities and reports got through their Facebook and Twitter accounts, identified extortion And burglaries against residents who asked for the administrations of false companiesthat are promoted through the Internet.

The asserted organizations produce sites to offer their administrations, giving cell phone numbers to be procured. At the point when individuals call, a false representative requests individual data, a definite rundown of the furniture that will be transported and a financial progress through a bank store.

In this way the fraudster, alongside a few assistants, goes to the home to gather the furniture to be transported, however these will never be taken to their new goal. At the point when the casualty endeavors to contact the affirmed specialist organization, he finds that the phone numbers gave to him have been wiped out.

In the wake of knowing the certainties, the PCP prescribed to the nationals to go actually to the evacuation organization to contract administrations of this sort to confirm their validness, and the lawfulness of the documentation that they present to him.

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1.            Pepe 4 Nov, 2016 at 3:39 p.m.

You can test the accessibility, in spite of the fact that the tachograph is not stamped, so you comprehend I have the download of a month and in the synopsis check accessibility 0.


o             Search Transport 4 Nov, 2016 at 18:29

Great night Pepe,

On the off chance that you don't have accessibility times in the downloaded information it will be on the grounds that you have not physically chosen the movement selector accurately or in instances of moving far from the vehicle you have not made manual acquaintances related with this time while continuing work/driving.

Information effectively enrolled can not be altered.

In the matter of regardless of whether it can be tried, it is to some degree complex on the grounds that the accessibility time is a period in which the laborer does not need to stay in the work environment but rather must be accessible to continue work or react to conceivable guidelines : it could be exhibited for instance when a vehicle is joined by ship or prepare with the tickets or some other archive, and so on.

Why do you inquire as to whether accessibility can be illustrated?

To what extent would it be a good idea for it to be enlisted as accessibility as it has been enrolled?

You let us know

A welcome.


             Esteban Hidalgo Nov 8, 2016 at 10:37 p.m.

Haber I do a course is 7 hours of driving and for my respite however I enter an office and I am emptied and I am a hour I say it is accessibility yet my supervisor says no in light of the fact that I don't do the day and q then it is inside my pay There are no extra time hours.


             Search Transport Nov 8, 2016 at 11:50 p.m.

Hi Esteban,

On the off chance that they are known ahead of time, the initial two hours of holding up in control and release are considered time of quality (in the tachograph must be set apart as accessibility).

The season of quality is not viewed as working time, and does not register for most extreme span impact of the standard working day nor for the greatest furthest reaches of extra time.

Note: It would be generally if the stacking and emptying holding up time is not known ahead of time or on the off chance that you would complete any operation identified with stacking and emptying since that would be working time (different occupations in the tachograph).

A welcome.


             Esteban Hidalgo Nov 9, 2016 at 00:37

Haber elucidate me however very little then it is an additional hour I can request it in spite of the fact that it doesn't stamp it as accessibility or not and this as it says inside my day

2.            Carlos Oct 7, 2016 at 13:09

Hi m could enable I to run with computerized tachograph we are two drivers since we made the break of 9 hours yet precisely we did 9:30 yet by botch toward the begin of the new driving time frame the driver card 1 was recorded as (times of different occupations) when It ought to have been a rest since we made 9:30. The card of driver 2 on the off chance that it was recorded as it ought to be as rest and left as another time of driving while that of driver 1 did not leave with rest. You can complete in fine if after this day you just drove card 2 (5:30) and after that rest over 45 hours. .... I trust you can help me


3.            Juan Sep 22, 2016 at 12:38

Hello, I might want to know whether for instance. I do my 9-hour workday I do it at 16, since I make a few excursions. That has a fine. or, then again there is a breaking point of hours to make the adventure. This inquiry is an extraordinary uncertainty for me.


o             Search Transport Sep 22, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.

Great morning Juan,

Is it accurate to say that you are independently employed or utilized? We could detail somewhat more your workday of 16 hours, determining how long you drive, breaks, different employments ...

A welcome.


             Juan Sep 22, 2016 at 1:16 p.m.

I am an utilized individual. I don't know for instance. I put the card at 12.30 in the morning and the sack at 4 in the morning that is the last excursion and in that time interim I have made my breaks, yet driving I have not landed at 9 o'clock. That should be possible or you have a point of confinement of hours to complete the day

I ask him for what valid reason they let me know, that I have 15 hours to complete the day and everything that occurs from those hours is fine.


             Search Transport 22 Sep, 2016 at 14:01

Hi again Juan,

It is important to consider that in the powerful work enters the exercises like the season of conduction, different works (cleaning, support vehicle ...) yet not the season of rest and stops, or the season of accessibility.

"The day by day working day" or the greatest successful working time is 40 hours for each week (in yearly calculation, without bias to the sporadic dissemination). These hours can be reached out with extra time (most extreme 80 hours for each year).

You can not surpass 12 hours of compelling work in one day (with extra time included).

In view of this, you need to ascertain what the real working time is, paying little heed to breaks.

I trust I've made a difference,

A welcome.



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