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Custom made Easy Bread Recipes 33

Marianela Echevarria

Simple custom made bread

harina 0000, sal, aceite, grasa de vaca, agua tibia, levadura


Custom made bread, simple formula

o             15 minutes

levadura, harina 000, agua tibia, sal fina

Ana Romano

Custom made bread - simple teaspoon

o             2 servings

harina de trigo de fuerza (harina 000), levadura seca , levadura fresca, soperas de aceite de oliva, agua tibia, pequeña de sal

Cecilia Ines Gigena

Super simple custom made bread

o             a hour

harina 000, harina 0000, sal, levadura, azúcar, pocillo aceite o grasa derretida, agua temperatura ambiente


Natively constructed bread delightful and more than simple

o             a hour

harina común, levadura fresca, grasa bovina, sal, agua, azúcar

April Miranda

Simple home bread

o             45 minutes

o             8 servings

harina 0000, levadura, mateca/grasa vacuna/aceite, sal, agua


Simple natively constructed bread!

o             a hour and a half

o             10 servings

harina 000, levadura, aceite (girasol u oliva.), leche (o agua), (las chiquitas) azúcar, An energy sal, huevo mediano

Lau Silva

Simple home bread

o             15-20 minutes

Harina común, Sal an energy, grasa vacuna, levadura fresca, Agua tibia


Simple and snappy custom made bread

o             30 minutes

o             4 servings

Harina, Levadura, Margarina, Aceite, Azúcar, Sal 10g, Agua tibia

•             Florenciaguma1

Natively constructed bread super simple

o             50 minutes

o             3 servings

ingredientes, harina fundamental, harina 0000, levadura, agua caliente, sal fina, semillas de lino y sesamo


Natively constructed bread pudding, simple and conservative

o             50 minutes

o             5 servings

skillet del día front, leche, ralladura de limón a fervor, esencia de vainilla a zeal, azúcar, chocolate aguila, huevos

Brenda Niño

Simple Integral Home Bread

o             2hs

Harina Integral, mls. Agua Tibia, Manteca Pomada, Levadura, Sal an energy

Dahyana Garcia Rojas

Simple natively constructed bread

harina, levadura instantánea, Sal, aceite o manteca, leche tibia

Virginia Netto

Natively constructed bread, shabby and simple

agua un cuenco de alrededor de medio litro de agua tibia, azúcar, sal, harina, levadura 10 o 20 gramos en polvo o la que dispongan

Eri Del Castillo

Simple home-made bread with basics 🍞

harina, levadura, sal, y media de agua

Lissette iqq

Natively constructed bread and simple to make, challenge you

o             15 minutes

o             6 people

harina, cdta. sal, cdta. azúcar, cdta. levadura, agua, manteca

Nancy Agüero

Simple Homemade Bread

Levadura Fresca, Azúcar, harina, Sal, Agua tibia, huevo

Virginia netto

Simple natively constructed bread

o             40 minutes

agua tibia, aceite, azçucar, sal, leche, harina , levadura

•             Tamara

Natively constructed bread simple and flavorful

harina (cuantos menos 0 tenga mejor), levadura seca o dos cubitos de levadura fresca, azúcar (no llenas ni al raz), sal, aceite, agua tibia

Nani Coitinho

Natively constructed breads rich and simple

harina, aceite 1/2 cucharada de grasa.derretida en el miniaturized scale, , huevo, azúcar, agua tibia, ras de sal, sésamo, lino, pasas de uva opcional, clara para pintar

Pursuits relatedto skillet home

•             Home-made bread with oil

•             How to make hand crafted bread

•             Sweet hand crafted bread

•             F


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